The Edgelands: a 2D work-in-progress

Work In Progress / 24 December 2020

I've never posted a blog entry here, but I thought I'd try it out for this recent work-in-progress.

This is a relatively large piece I started for a client, but it became a personal work when I had to leave the contract for a full-time job. It was originally going to be a background for a mobile game, but I'm trying to make it stand on its own. I'll be adding more plants, and generally tightening things up, but without getting too photorealistic. I may be adding a small character or two (haven't decided yet). I know it needs some insects and falling leaves, for sure.

I've been doing all of the painting in Autodesk Sketchbook, then moving over to Krita for any of the more technical adjustments (I love Krita's non-destructive liquify filter).

Thanks for looking!